
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Writing week 6 JOY

Hello bloggers, today I will be sharing my writing on the short film called JOY. Joy is about a dog, the dog was going fishing with his owner. but then a Heron a bird comes over and eats the bait!
here is my learning goal for the week: Ensure that most writing is grammatically correct.
here is my work.
also we have chunks of the story so I did not write the hole story.

Joy was proud as a baby-lion. He just saved the slithery, squirting, screaming bait, because Gary needed the bait to fish. But Joy saw that Heron was just trying to get food for her baby’s. Herons babies hated fish so much that they sat down and they did not even want to go close to the fish. 

have you ever been fishing?

Friday, August 21, 2020

My comic on blog comments!

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you my blog comment comic. I did this comic for cyber smart lesson 1.
here is my comic!
hopefully you liked the comic.
have you ever been on make beliefs comix?