
Friday, May 29, 2020

My blog scavenger hunt!

Hello Bloggers, Today I will be sharing with you my blog scavenger hunt! Our task was to make a copy of this doc and then take screenshots of the things that we need to find. I did my blog scavenger hunt on my friends Elsha and Rafa. things that we needed to find were there about me section, how many page views, who was the last person to comment on there blog and more!
here is my work!
Are you going to make blog Scavenger hunt?

My math board are godly!

HELLO bloggers, today I will be showing you my math boards that I like to call godly. My favorite math board is all about balloons! If you want to have a look at my other math board here is the link.
now is my work!

at your school do you do math boards?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Zac tells you how to make a good blog comment

Hi bloggers, today I will be showing you how to make a good blog comment. This week we were doing everything about blogging, we had to make flipgrid about how to make a good blog, and then we had to to make a slide show on the steps of how to make a good blog post.
This was my learning goal for the week!
Identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding.
here is my work.
Do you send anyone blog comments?

Math's is hard :(

Hello blogger today I will be sharing with you my work about MATH. this math is very hard I had to work out, for e.g (8x321=...)
be warned this math is hard and cause stress and anger.
here is mu learning goal for the week! Use place value strategies to solve multiplication problems.
here is my work!
do you do big numbers in math? if yes tell me in the comments one of your question!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Zac tell you how to make a good...

Hi bloggers, today I will be sharing with you my work on how to do a great blog post.
In this blog post I will be sharing with you the tips on how to make it as good as the pro bloggers!
Here is my learning goal for the week!
Use linking words and phrases to link some paragraphs and organise related ideas into paragraphs.
here is my amazing work!

Did you learn anything new today if you did please tell me in the comments I will try to reply to your comment!
See you next time bye!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Free writing

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you some of  my free writing! This writing was in my silent writing time, We have 15 mins each and everyday to write about anything we want.
this is my work!

On a sunny warm day some ants where getting ready for winter, they where getting food to eat and getting leaves to keep them warm. Meanwhile... the grass hoppers where not getting ready for winter that was just around the corner. The grass hoppers where eating all of there food, not getting warm leaves for winter and they where annoying the ants that where doing the right thing by getting ready!
the grasshoppers said "come on ants have some fun you still have one week till winter" but the ants just carried on getting food and leaves for winter.

some very warm days later...

The ants where still doing there thing and getting ready and the grasshoppers were still not getting ready. There was two days till winter and the grasshoppers had not gotten any food or warm leaves!
the next day the grasshoppers finally started to get ready but they did not get that much food and warm leaves. When winter hit the forest the grasshoppers where cold and they had no food. The grasshoppers had gone over to the ant house to see if they would let them in, hello said the grasshopper can we please come in. the ants said only if next winter you would prepare.

the next winter...

The next winter the grasshoppers prepared so much that they did not have  enough room in there house for all of the things that they got!
The next few winters came by and the grasshoppers did the same they pack to many thing an then gave the things that they did not need to the ants that had let them stay in there house for that winter!

The end

1. what did the ants do to help the grasshoppers?

2. What did the grasshoppers do to help the ants when they had to much food and warm leaves?

3. what advise did the ants give the grasshoppers?

if you were paying attention to the story you would know the questions. please answer them in the comments!

Bye Bye!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My time capsule screencastify!

Whats up blogger, today I will be sharing my screencastify with you. My screencastify was about a time capsule buried beneath the beehive building in Wellington New Zealand.
click on this link to go to my screencastify
here is my learning goal for the week!
(Identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding.)

Do you know anything about the beehive building or time capsule's?
thank you for looking at my blog.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Letter to future self

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you my Letter to my future self. we had to write a letter to our future self about lock down 2020.
here was my learning goal for the week!
use linking words and phrases to link some paragraphs and organise related ideas into paragraphs.
this is my work!

New Zealand

Dear future Zac,
if your are reading this I just want to tell you about my lock down experience and what we did with Mum, Dad, Seb and Caleb.

So if you can remember we had this horrible virus come and take over the world. Lots of country's had a lot of people that had the virus and a lot of people died from the virus, But New Zealand went into lock down for seven weeks and we came out of lock down with about 67 case’s of the virus, We had been doing a lot better than other country's.

 We had four stages of lock down level one, level two, level three and level four. Level one was where we prepared for the virus to come to NZ. level two was where we could go to school still but trying not to make contact with other people. Level three was where we had to stay two meters away from other people and only one person for your family could go to the shop and buy food. Level four was where all shops where closed but groceries shops, dariys, gas stations and and more were open.

 We as a family went on walks every day so we keeped each other fit and had a good time at the same time we also keeped each other happy.

Me/you and Mum did a lot of baking, we made upside down pineapple cake, Anzac biscuits, gingerbread men and me and Dads fail of Anzac biscuits. Everyone love me and your baking remember when seb and caleb  said that Me/you were a better baker than Mum crazy :o

From yourself at TEN, Zac

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The goblin

Hello blogger, today I will be sharing with you my independent work. this was where we could write about anything we wanted so I wrote about a goblin and two kids. There are also questions at the end about the story!
this is my work!
One grey and stormy night there was a goblin sitting under his bridge trying to go to sleep but all he heard was lightning and thunder so he could not go to sleep. There where two kids running around the forest and having a great time but then they saw the bridge first they where like “oh just a brige lest go over it” but then they heard a groul and then they said “oh no lest get out of here. Then they ran away from the bridge the goblin was following them through the woods until he could not find them so he went back to the bridge.

4 Years later…

4 years from when that goblin chased after the kids the kids that are now teenagers went back to that same forest and ran and played all night but it was the same night as last time dark stormy night and all you could was thunder and lightning then the teenagers saw the bridge and they said…
“Hey look a bridge do u want to go over to the other side?” “ hey do you remember that bridge from somewhere?” oh no then the goblin came out from under the Bridge and ate them up.

1. What happend to the teenagers that went to the bridge for the second time?
2. What was the weather like?
3.where was the theme of the story?
thank you for reading my story did you get all of the questions right?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mary timeline, what has Mary done in her life?

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you my Mary timeline. in my timeline There will be significant events of Mary's life and the bible references.
this is my learning goal for the week!
Make connections between texts.

do you know anything about Mary?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dinosaur report what I learnt.

Hi bloggers, today I will be showing you my dinosaur report. I hope you like it. this was my Goal for the week!

Use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose.

Here is my report

Do you know any interesting facts about dinosaur tell me in the comments.

Turkey poster gobble gobble.

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you my Turkey poster. this is my learning Goal for the week!

Identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding.
Now I will show you my poster!
 did you learn anything new? tell me in the comments.

My Kenya report.

Hi bloggers, tday I will be show you my Kenya report this was my learning goal for the week.
Use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose.
This is my report!

did you learn any think from reading my blog?

my decimal math work

Hello bloggers, this week my class has been learning how to do tidy number but I went a little step further and did decimals This was my goal for the week!
Use a broad range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.
this is my work!

 do you know how to do tidy numbers?