
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

We need to stop our way's?

Hello, I am a student of St Francis of Assisi. My name is Zac Kelly!!!!

For reading this week my group read this article:what is a polar ice cap

The new ideas I have now I’ve read this text are:
Give everybody free solar panels.

 Give everybody free solar panels.

Put more trees and grass instead of concrete

Turn of lights in the house when you are not in the room

Use both sides of paper so you not wasting tree’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Walk and bike instead of driving a car

Don’t drop your rubbish

I now better understand more about polar ice cap’s
Image result for polar ice caps

What can you do to stop polar ice caps melting?



Wednesday, June 19, 2019

this is my amazing speach

I believe that electric cars should be cheaper than petrol cars

We know that electric cars are good for the environment so they should be cheaper, right? Think of all of the people and animals that are going to die and the places in the world that are going to flooded because of fossil fuel’s. We should be dropping the price of electric cars, don’t you think? Say if every person in the world has 2 petrol cars then some people in the world might die of Lung cancer.

Another reason why electric cars should be cheaper is that they do not make a noise. Say if you have to get up at 6:00 in the morning and you live on a road that has a bus stop, than you probably will not get any sleep! But say if bus’s were electric then they will not make as much noise, and you can sleep on top of  the clouds.

My last reason why electirc cars should be cheaper is that you will not need to go to the petrol station. Electric cars do not need petrol. You will need a battery for an electirc car that will last for a long time. Even though they are expensive in five years you might have to buy a new battery and if  than every week you spend 221$ on fuel a week you would be spending 57,655 dollars over five years. Say if you have a electric car you can buy a three thousand dollar battery that lasts the more than five years more than six they last for eight year that!
Say if you think that you are still going to use a petrol car this is how much it cost for the average person spends on petrol per eight year.  drum roll please… a whopping 92, 248$

Now do you want to get an electric car? Well I hope you will because I have given you three reason why electric cars should be cheaper. The first point was about how they are good for the environment, one about money and one about your life and why they should make more models of electric cars.

I hope we will change the way the world is for the next generation. I don’t want it to suffer because of our actions and us not doing anything about it.

We need to make a change. Petrol cars are bad for the environment. if you were a world leader would you ban petrol cars and petrol vehicles like tractors, planes and trains? I think we should.