
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Toucan poster

Hey bloggers, today I will be showing you another poster but this one is about Toucans!!
this was my driving question for the week
 Identify key words which when combined with prior knowledge, will help with understanding
do you like my poster? 

have you ever seen a Toucan?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

probability poster

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you my probability poster. On my poster there will be different scenarios of probability! this is my poster. 

Now you can do some work can you please simplify my ansear and tell me in the comments!

Thank you for reading my blog post.

My family mascot

Hello bloggers, today I will be showing you my family mascot. This was my learning goal for the week. Make connections between texts and real life experiences. Here is my mascot!

if you could make a mascot for your family, sports team or school what would it be?

thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Whats in the bag game. My findings.

Hello bloggers, today I will be tell you how to play whats in the bag and my finding of playing it. First I got 6 counters, 2 red and 4 black then I got a bag and put the counters in. Now it is time to play. Me and my brother took turns picking out a counter. We had to guess what color we would get. On the first turn both of us guessed black and we were both right. second turn I guessed red and Seb guessed black I was right. we kept going until I thought that I had enough information to show to my math teacher. Red got 6 points and black got 2 points.

So what I have learnt is that is random and that just because on color has more counters dose not mean that it will win!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The wizard

It was a dark and stormy night the wind was strong and it was raining hard. there was a castle at the top of a large hill there a wizard lived. that night the wizard was making a potion that would turn him invisable so then he could stell the big dimond from the muesuem. he put lots of diffent things into his potion like sandwich and bread sticks. the next day the wizard was prefecting his potion and trying it to see if it actully  worked. that nigh the wizard was getting ready and packing his stuff into a bag so he could take it to the meuseum but then a boy named Zac came up to his window and sared at his potion and the book for spells and stuff. Zac went up to the door and kcocked untill the wizard came and anseared the door. Zac said to him "Wow you have a lot of books here can I please read one?" no said the wizard and get out. so Zac left the house but still watched him pack his things and go to the mueseum. Zac followed him and when he saw that he was going in Zac called for help. he yelled batman batman there is someone trying to stell somthing at the meuseum batman came out of his cav and sprinted to the meuseum to stop the wizard. mean while at he meuseum the wisard was cheacking if anyone was around so he wold not get cought stelling the dimond. and then outof nowhere batman came and spare tackled him to the ground and took him to jail. after that no one tried to take the dimond.